Customer Support

Your 24/7 Virtual Support Guru: How AI is Transforming ISP Customer Service

In today's digital age, customers expect instant gratification and seamless experiences. This is especially true in the ISP industry, where a reliable internet connection is a lifeline for work, entertainment, and communication. AI is transforming customer service for ISPs, enabling them to provide personalized, efficient, and proactive support that meets and exceeds customer expectations. The AI Advantage: Real-World [...]

By |2024-06-20T14:36:00-05:00June 18, 2024|Artificial Intelligence|

How to Craft Effective Canned Replies: A Guide for Support Teams

Canned replies, or predefined responses, are an invaluable tool for support teams aiming to provide quick and accurate responses to frequently asked questions. This blog will walk you through crafting effective canned replies, ensuring that your responses are not only efficient but also customer-friendly. We'll explore practical tips, best practices, and the importance of maintaining a human touch [...]

By |2024-03-06T12:47:11-06:00January 20, 2024|Contact Center|

Tips to Optimize your Ticket Resolution Process

Customer support is critical to the sustained growth of an Internet Service Provider as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, managing large volumes of support tickets can be challenging, especially for small teams' with limited resources. Optimizing the ticket resolution process is essential to ensure efficient and effective customer support. Here are some ways customer support teams [...]

By |2024-03-06T14:47:45-06:00February 21, 2023|Business Strategies for ISPs, Contact Center|

7 Customer Service Tips to Improve the Customer Experience

Whether you’ve been in customer service for years or are freshly starting out, you’ve likely heard some reference to new customers costing more than retaining an old customer. The specific numbers change per industry, but the sentiment is all the same. In the ISP industry especially, we often incur a lot of upfront costs to get a customer [...]

By |2023-11-17T13:54:43-06:00March 16, 2022|Contact Center|

Quality of Experience Impact on Reducing Customer Churn

Customer satisfaction is the driving force behind increasing revenue. For some industries, a small increase to client satisfaction can result in increasing revenue by as much as $1 billion annually, according to Forrester Research. For smaller companies this same correlation exists, albeit on a smaller scale, but the impact is no less significant. In fact, about 84% of companies reported seeing an [...]

By |2022-12-07T15:37:33-06:00August 13, 2021|Contact Center|

When to Outsource Customer Support & Why

Customer service is an essential part of your brand reputation and business growth. Without exceptional customer support, your company won't thrive, even if you have the best service and pricing in your area. If your organization experiences sudden growth, you'll need to maximize all internal teams to meet your new customers' needs. Unfortunately, many Internet Service Providers are [...]

By |2022-12-07T16:33:21-06:00June 8, 2021|Contact Center|

10 Ways to Streamline Your Support Process

In today’s highly competitive environment, with multiple companies having near identical offerings, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd; long gone are the days where having the best product or service in the market meant imminent success. As a result, most companies have had to widen their focus from strictly the quality of product they [...]

By |2022-12-07T16:36:49-06:00February 23, 2021|Contact Center|

Sonar & COVID-19

COVID-19: How Sonar is helping our partners In this time of uncertainty, the service that you, our ISP partners provide, has become paramount to the international effort to slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus. We at Sonar recognize your networks will be stretched to capacity as more employees are asked to work from home, students transition to [...]

By |2022-11-29T22:13:36-06:00March 15, 2020|Company News|

COVID-19 announcement

COVID-19 Announcement As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread within North America, Sonar Software Inc. has made the decision to temporarily suspend all non-essential employee travel. Our primary concern is to protect the health and safety of our employees, customer partners, and their families by limiting possible exposure and doing our part to help prevent further spread of [...]

By |2022-11-29T22:14:18-06:00March 9, 2020|Company News|

CEO Simon Westlake on The BrothersWISP

Check out the interview with our CEO Simon Westlake on The BrothersWISP where he shares Sonar’s vision of partnering to make business simple, the new features of our fully reimagined software and how we are investing in helping our customers grow their business. Watch the interview on Youtube

By |2022-11-29T22:15:16-06:00October 19, 2019|Company News|
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