
Sonar Software

Sonar 1.3 out today!

Sonar 1.3 is out today, bringing a wealth of billing improvements. Our next major update, 1.4, will bring automatic network mapping and detection of parent/child relationships on the network. More news will be forthcoming about those features...

Sonar Software

1 min read

Sonar 1.3 is almost here!

Sonar 1.3 is just a couple of weeks away from completion, and we can’t wait to share it with you. 1.3 is our billing overhaul update and contains a...

Sonar Software

Sonar Training at WISPAPALOOZA 2017

We’ll be putting on a training session on Monday, October 9th at WISPAPALOOZA 2017, and we’d love to see you there. This day of training is designed...

Sonar Software

1 min read

Provisioning coming next week!

Sonar 0.4 is almost out, bringing multiple provisioning options to your network – check out the whole video series! The entire team has been working...

Sonar Software

New site is now live!

The new Sonar website is now live – hope you like it! We decided it was time for a refresh, and there’s lots of new information available, including...

Sonar Software

1 min read

Procera + Sonar = The Ultimate Solution

Procera, for everyone. The challenges facing ISP networks today are massive. Streaming video, constant software updates, and the deluge of devices...

Sonar Software

1 min read

Roadmap for 2017

Sonar reached version 1.0 at the end of 2016. On our path towards 1.0, we’ve brought over 150 ISPs around the world onto the Sonar platform, and...

Sonar Software

1 min read

Sonar 1.0 is near

Sonar 1.0 will be in your hands next week, and there’s a new video series available that walks you through the features of the network monitoring and...

Sonar Software

1 min read

Sonar 1.0 is almost here!

Sonar 1.0 is almost here – we’re on track to deliver it before the end of the year, and the entire team is thrilled to be this close to hitting 1.0....

Sonar Software

ServerPlus Integration

I’m happy to announce our integration with ServerPlus. ServerPlus already provides call center services to a number of ISPs that use Sonar, and this...

Sonar Software

1 min read

Voice billing available!

Sonar 0.6.11 will be out later today, and it brings support for billing for voice services and rating CDRs. As always, there is a video series...

Sonar Software

Sonar ticketing now available!

The Sonar ticketing update is available now – click the Upgrade button in your Sonar instance and you’ll be ticketing to your heart’s content in just...

Sonar Software

Sonar 0.5 is almost here!

Sonar 0.5 is almost here, bringing a complete ticketing system to Sonar, along with many other improvements and changes. There’s a video series...

Sonar Software

1 min read

What a fantastic show!

What a show – never had a reception like it. I’m finally back in Wisconsin completely worn out, but very enthused by the fantastic welcome we...

Sonar Software

1 min read

Please join me in welcoming Glenn Moore to Sonar.

I’m pleased to announce our selection of Glenn Moore to serve as Chief Operating Officer of Sonar Software, Inc. Glenn brings 35 years of successful...

Sonar Software

See you at WISP America!

We’ll be at WISP America Mar 15-17, showing off Sonar 0.4 in a very cool way. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but it’ll be worth stopping by our...

Sonar Software

1 min read

Inventory is almost here!

We’re putting the final touches on our 0.3 upgrade, and it’s almost in your hands. The biggest change in 0.3 is the full inventory system we’ve...

Sonar Software

1 min read

We’re on Github!

When we started building Sonar, one of our core commitments was that we’d always provide a full API to our customers. We’ve all experienced the...

Sonar Software

Early access begins!

We officially began letting people into early access this week, and the feedback has been tremendous. Thanks to everyone who’s contributed input to...

Sonar Software

3 min read

Our Partners

The WISP community is filled with companies providing a wide range of quality services and products and one of the strengths of the community is the...

Sonar Software

2 min read

Announcing Sonar

The WISP industry is changing. While there are still thousands of WISPs around the world deploying products at every scale imaginable, there is a...