Sonar 0.5 is almost here!
Sonar 0.5 is almost here, bringing a complete ticketing system to Sonar, along with many other improvements and changes. There’s a video...
Sonar 0.6.11 will be out later today, and it brings support for billing for voice services and rating CDRs. As always, there is a video series describing how it works!
This will be our last major 0.6 update, as work is already well underway on 0.7, which will bring scheduling, and 1.0, which will bring our network monitoring module. We’re all very excited to show you what we’ve got cooking – stay tuned for more details soon. We’ll be exhibiting both modules at WISPAPALOOZA (along with the rest of Sonar!) – hope to see you there.
As we move towards our 1.0 release, I’d like to thank you for your support and interest in Sonar over the last few months. We’ve spent many late nights working incredibly hard to get Sonar to 1.0 as quickly as possible, without compromising our initial goals – a highly scalable, flexible, API driven system that brings ISP billing and OSS into the modern era! 1.0 is really just the beginning – we have an enormous list of plans (and many feature requests from you all!) that we’ll continue to work on after 1.0 is available.
If you’ve participated on our forum, called or emailed us, met with us at a show, or interacted with us in some other way – thank you. Your feedback is incredibly important, and we truly appreciate all the time people have spent contributing their ideas to us.
Hope to see you in Vegas, and keep watching for more details on our scheduling module shortly.
Sonar 0.5 is almost here, bringing a complete ticketing system to Sonar, along with many other improvements and changes. There’s a video...
1 min read
When we started building Sonar, one of our core commitments was that we’d always provide a full API to our customers. We’ve all experienced...
1 min read
Sonar 0.4 is almost out, bringing multiple provisioning options to your network – check out the whole video series! The entire team has...