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Inventory is almost here!

Inventory is almost here!
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Inventory is almost here! - Sonar Software


We’re putting the final touches on our 0.3 upgrade, and it’s almost in your hands. The biggest change in 0.3 is the full inventory system we’ve built, but the 0.3 version of Sonar is chock full of other improvements and features – many of them driven by your feedback. Thanks a lot to everyone who’s been active on our forum – your input has been invaluable, and I’m sure you’ll see some of your requests in the change log.

Sonar version 0.4 is already underway, and will bring a flexible IPv4 and IPv6 IPAM (IP address management) system, as well as a number of options for provisioning. The Sonar provisioning system is already very flexible and configurable, and we’re working with a number of different vendors to implement both standards based and proprietary provisioning options.

We’re looking forward to WISP America in March – our first tradeshow as Sonar! Jacob, Devin and I will be there – we’re all excited to show you how Sonar works, and to be able to run some demos in person.

See you at WISP America!

See you at WISP America!

We’ll be at WISP America Mar 15-17, showing off Sonar 0.4 in a very cool way. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but it’ll be worth stopping...

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Roadmap for 2017

1 min read

Roadmap for 2017

Sonar reached version 1.0 at the end of 2016. On our path towards 1.0, we’ve brought over 150 ISPs around the world onto the Sonar...

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Sonar 1.0 is almost here!

1 min read

Sonar 1.0 is almost here!

Sonar 1.0 is almost here – we’re on track to deliver it before the end of the year, and the entire team is thrilled to be this close to hitting...

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