Sonar 0.6 now available!

Sonar 0.6 now available!
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Sonar 0.6 now available! - Sonar Software


Sonar 0.6 is now available, bringing data usage tracking, usage based billing, a completely customizable customer portal, and much, much, much more. This is one of our largest updates ever, and there’s lots more to come.

Development on 0.7 is already underway, which will bring a completely new, improved, and much faster mapping implementation, along with a complete scheduling/workforce management system. We also have plans for a number of intermediate updates, bringing NetFlow based accounting, CDR rating, Telrad integration, and a number of other features.

Hope you enjoy 0.6 – please let us know your thoughts.

Scaling Timeseries Data

6 min read

Scaling Timeseries Data

Scaling timeseries data is a painful endeavor, and one we’ve had to deal with since the early days of Sonar. In this post, I’ll walk you...

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Sonar 0.5 is almost here!

Sonar 0.5 is almost here!

Sonar 0.5 is almost here, bringing a complete ticketing system to Sonar, along with many other improvements and changes. There’s a video...

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Calix & Sonar: Supercharge Automation with Enhanced Integration

Calix & Sonar: Supercharge Automation with Enhanced Integration

I’m excited to delve deeper into the world of enhanced Calix integrations coming to Sonar in Q2 and beyond. As you may recall from our recent Office...

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