3 min read

How to Reach New Customers and Increase Activations

How to Reach New Customers and Increase Activations
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How to Reach New Customers and Increase Activations - Sonar Software


In other blog posts, such as the Quality of Experience Impact on Reducing Customer Churn, how Sonar facilitates customer retention has been highlighted as a means of succeeding as an Internet Service Provider. Another equally important means to success is the process of attracting new customers to the services your organization offers.

To attract customers, Internet Service Providers need to be able to reach their audience with accurate messaging. This is where marketing your services comes into play. Whether you’re leveraging traditional or digital marketing methods, creating the right campaigns to reach the right audience can be a challenge for an Internet Service Provider.

Why your organization needs marketing

Marketing, or advertising your services, can be broadly defined by two distinct strategies:

  1. Traditional marketing, such as newspaper ads, mailers delivered to an address, or billboards and signs
  2. Digital Marketing, such as social media ads, targeted ads on websites, or emails directly to consumers

With either strategy, you still need to identify your audience. While there are excellent reasons to use either strategy and in some cases reasons to combine them into a single campaign, marketing is ultimately a means to grow your organization. When properly implemented, marketing can be used to inform your business decisions, engage with your customers, sell your services, and sparks consistent growth in your business. MarketBroadband simplifies both approaches to help save time and money by avoiding casting too large a net and wasting advertising budget, all while automating the process in order to save time.

How MarketBroadband Makes a Difference

MarketBroadband is a marketing and fulfillment firm specifically tailored to Internet Service Providers across all markets. They specialize in providing in-network marketing. What this means for your organization is the removal of wasted marketing expense and the elimination of missed customer opportunities. They mix offline and online marketing tactics in order to help their clients communicate with prospective customers effectively.

By combining geographical information systems and your customer database and serviceable address list from Sonar, MarketBroadband will plan a specifically targeted marketing campaign around the services you offer. This combination also allows them to segment the campaign by using key marketing data sources to identify business data, US Postal data, consumer demographics and lifestyle data, new movers, and other managed specialty lists.

How MarketBroadband Delivers their Campaigns

After using your network and customer data to determine the segments that will be targeted by the campaign, MarketBroadband will use several different tactics:

  1. MarketBroadband offers two campaigns through letter mail – Targeted Direct Mail allows them to deliver mail with information on your organization’s services to addresses within your service area. They also offer every-door-delivery-mail, which will send an ad to every home in a certain address area.
  2. Cookie-Free Digital Display Advertising allows MarketBroadband to deliver information to prospective customers within your service area through ads within their browser and on their mobile devices.
  3. Further to the digital display advertising, MarketBroadband will also strategically advertise to customers in your service area on Facebook.
  4. The campaign can also be delivered through Radius Marketing Around New Customers, which will target the neighbors and locations around new subscribers to your service.
  5. The campaign can also be led by physical advertisements, such as flyers, brochures, and lawn signs distributed around your serviceable area.
  6. MarketBroadband can use their marketing sources to identify potential customers who have recently moved into your serviceable area and target them in the campaign.
  7. The final delivery method is allowing MarketBroadband access to your site visitor information in order to generate a mailing list. This will convert those who are already looking you up more reliably than passive marketing methods.

Connecting MarketBroadband with your Sonar instance

Sending your existing customer list and network area information to MarketBroadband is as easy as providing your account number to the Sonar integration from the “Integrations” menu of your instance’s settings:

Activating this integration will regularly upload lists of active, newly activated, and inactive customers to MarketBroadband. The integration also allows you to define the radius mailing quantity, which will determine the number of mailers that are sent out in accordance with the number of new installations your organization performs in any given month. For example, in a scenario where a given ISP performs 100 installations in a month, the following will occur:

  1. MarketBroadband sends out mailers every two weeks, which means 50 addresses would have been sent to them
  2. Setting the radius mailing quantity to 10 would send 500 mailers, 50 would send 250, etc.

With this integration enabled, you’ll be able to more reliably and accurately market your services to potential customers within your service area with the help of MarketBroadband and Sonar by investing funds where they’ll have the most impact, and building marketing campaigns that target your consumers in the most efficient ways.

Marketing doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Contact MarketBroadband for more information on what they can offer and how they can work with your Sonar instance and your data.

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