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Welcome to the latest Sonar team members!

Welcome to the latest Sonar team members!
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Welcome to the latest Sonar team members! - Sonar Software


I’m very happy to officially welcome two new members to the Sonar team – Shane MacDonald, previously Senior Accounts Manager at KP Performance, and Jimmy Thomson, previously Professional Services Manager at CDW.

Shane has been with KP Performance since the beginning, and has been instrumental in the growth of the company from a tiny startup to a huge manufacturer that was recently acquired by Infinite Electronics. Shane brings an enormous knowledge of the fixed wireless ISP industry with him, and I can’t wait to see what he can do with Sonar! Shane will be primarily working on business growth and development – this means helping us figure out what direction we should be taking the software and the company to best serve all our customers.

I first met Jimmy at a small, local ISP in Wisconsin called ExecPC almost 20 years ago. After the acquisition of ExecPC by Voyager/CoreComm, Jimmy moved on to work at SC Johnson, where he helped maintain a large, global network. From there, Jimmy joined Berbee as a Network Consultant, designing complex networks and solutions for large, enterprise customers and ISPs. After the acquisition of Berbee by CDW, Jimmy transitioned into a management role, leading a team of consultants which generated millions of dollars of revenue for CDW.

The whole leadership team at Sonar is extremely excited and optimistic about the future, and I’m confident that the latest additions to the team are going to result in measureable improvements throughout the company.

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