
Welcome to the latest Sonar team members!

I'm very happy to officially welcome two new members to the Sonar team - Shane MacDonald, previously Senior Accounts Manager at KP Performance, and Jimmy Thomson, previously Professional Services Manager at CDW. Shane has been with KP Performance since the beginning, and has been instrumental in the growth of the company from a tiny startup to a huge [...]

By |2022-11-29T22:27:15-06:00April 12, 2018|Company News|

Please join me in welcoming Glenn Moore to Sonar.

I'm pleased to announce our selection of Glenn Moore to serve as Chief Operating Officer of Sonar Software, Inc. Glenn brings 35 years of successful business experience to the table. His experience spans multiple industries, ranging from agricultural equipment to the communications industry, as well as positions on numerous boards. He has been a member of both WISPA [...]

By |2022-11-29T18:20:55-06:00March 2, 2016|Company News|

Early access begins!

We officially began letting people into early access this week, and the feedback has been tremendous. Thanks to everyone who's contributed input to and followed Sonar over the last few months - we're just getting rolling! If you're still waiting for your early access key, don't fret - spend your time watching the Getting started with Sonar series on our [...]

By |2022-11-29T22:51:42-06:00December 10, 2015|Company News, Sonar Features|

Announcing Sonar

The WISP industry is changing. While there are still thousands of WISPs around the world deploying products at every scale imaginable, there is a larger drive towards improving WISP networks to the point that they can compete with traditional carriers, in both service offerings and size. Fiber build outs are becoming commonplace. This push is driving acquisitions, network [...]

By |2022-11-30T20:08:35-06:00September 29, 2015|Company News, Sonar Features|
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