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Sonar 1.5 and Sonar 2.0

Sonar 1.5 and Sonar 2.0
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Sonar 1.5 and Sonar 2.0 - Sonar Software


Sonar 1.5 is on the horizon, and it’s got some goodies in it. The big new feature is an integration with Avalara, which enables automated tax calculation for any service in the US or Canada. If you sell voice services (especially across in state lines, or in states with complex taxing jurisdictions), I’m sure you can see that this is a huge feature!

We’ve also spent some time combing through the feature request list to try to knock out some of the highest rated requests, and I’m pleased to announce Sonar 1.5 will also include the ability to have multiple recipients on tickets, and date selection in the aged receivable report – two highly requested changes.

The 1.5 train will also be updated with additional improvements after the initial release – we’re working to complete an integration with the new Telrad REST API, as well as expanding on our Telrad feature set. We also have an integration with GoCardless in the works so that Sonar can offer SEPA transactions in the Eurozone, as well as a few more in demand features.

If you’ve been keeping an eye on our feature request tool, you’ll probably noticed that some features have begun to be flagged as coming in version 2 of Sonar. V2 has been underway for six months now, and while it’s still some time away from completion, I feel confident in saying that V2 is going to be a massive game changer. More information will be forthcoming as we get further into development, but we’re all extremely excited about this new release, and I can’t wait to share it with you. We’ve built a completely new API for V2, and I don’t think it is hyperbolic to say that not only is it going to be the absolute best and most powerful API in the industry, it’s going to be one of the best APIs out there, period. It’s built on top of GraphQL, and we’ve extended it massively with some game changing features. We’re enabling an immense amount of power with this API, and I eagerly anticipate seeing what you can do with it!

Sonar 1.5 will be in your hands before too long, and I’ll share more information about Sonar 2.0 as soon as I can. Thanks for all your support in 2017 – here’s to a successful 2018!

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