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FISPA RECAP 2023 - Sonar Software


The Sonar team was in Nashville, Tennessee last week exhibiting at the 2023 FISPA conference. It brought many executives, network operators, and businesses from across the country together to learn more about enhancing skills in the fiber industry. This was a great opportunity for networking, deal-making, and educational sessions. 

Independent broadband and fiber operators got to connect with service providers and explore supplies, networks, and capital. FISPA provided a great space for collaboration and networking opportunities between sessions and exhibit hall hours. Here is what our team did throughout the week:

Day 1:

On Tuesday, our Sonar team arrived in Nashville, Tennessee safely! The team assembled the booth on the trade show floor and participated in an opening event that was great for meeting new people before show hours.

Day 2:

On Wednesday we had a full day of exhibit hall hours. The Sonar team got to talk to many attendees that stopped by the booth. There were many connections made and talk about people’s roles in fiber optics, which is growing at such a rapid pace. We loved getting to know more about the booming industry and seeing people who work behind the scenes.

Day 3:

On Thursday, the team had another day out on the show floor. They were engaged in many conversations and got to listen in on some speakers! One session that stood out was the “Leadership in the Post Pandemic World” presented by Jeff Sesol of Pull the Chute. There was great feedback on this session and related to each company at FISPA. Our leaders were inspired by his great insightful advice and will be carrying it on in action!

Day 4:

On the last day, everyone wrapped up the conference with exhibit hall hours and a farewell lunch. Overall, the Sonar team enjoyed their time at the FISPA conference and had great takeaways in different areas like fiber optics, leadership, partnerships and more. It was great to see familiar faces and meet new people. Having conversations face to face is so valuable and something that we always enjoy experiencing. Thank you to FISPA for an amazing time in Nashville, Tennessee!


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