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AI-Powered ISPs: A Winning Strategy for Customer Satisfaction and Operational Excellence

AI-Powered ISPs: A Winning Strategy for Customer Satisfaction and Operational Excellence
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AI-Powered ISPs: A Winning Strategy for Customer Satisfaction and Operational Excellence - Sonar Software


As the VP of Marketing for Sonar Software, I’ve always been fascinated by technology and how it can work well with customer experience. But lately, there’s one word that’s been absolutely dominating our conversations: Artificial Intelligence (AI). It’s no longer just Will Smith chasing down AI robots; it’s real-world and it’s transforming the way businesses operate… ISPs are no exception.

Last week, I had the great joy of moderating a webinar titled “How to Leverage AI for Your ISP,” co-hosted by Sonar and the Fiber Broadband Association. Joining me were my colleague Steve Shillingsburg, Sonar’s CTO, and two AI experts, Andy Jollses and Jason Presement. It was a real-world and entertaining conversation that peeled back the layers of this complex yet exciting new era.

MythBusters: AI Demystified

Right off the bat, we dove into the heart of the matter and what ISPs were all looking for clarification on: What exactly is AI, and why should ISPs care? We rapidly dispelled the common misconception that AI is solely about robots and automation (again – think Will Smith in iRobot ). It’s far more nuanced than that.

We explored the concept of predictive AI, which uses data analysis to anticipate future trends and events. For ISPs, this could mean predicting network outages before they occur, allowing for proactive maintenance and minimizing customer disruptions.

We also dove into the realm of generative AI, the rockstar of the AI world, powered by large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini. These models, trained on massive datasets of text and code, have an uncanny ability to generate human-like text, enabling them to write emails, reports, and even code. As Andy Jolls eloquently put it, “This year is more about solving the workflow and data analytics problems,” and generative AI is leading the charge.

Real-World AI Applications for ISPs

The conversation quickly shifted to practical applications. We discussed how ISPs are already leveraging AI to revolutionize customer service, using chatbots to handle routine inquiries and free up human agents for more complex issues. Jason Presement, quoted in a recent Fierce Network article on AI challenges for ISPs, highlighted the need for careful evaluation and implementation of AI tools to ensure they genuinely solve the problems at hand.

But AI’s potential goes beyond customer service. We explored how it can optimize network performance, predict equipment failures, uncover revenue growth opportunities, and even contribute to more sustainable operations within the ISP, expanding the discussion into the customer service possibilities with AI.

The Path to AI Adoption: Lessons Learned

Implementing AI isn’t without challenges. Steve Shillingsburg emphasized the importance of starting with a clear problem in mind rather than simply adopting AI for the sake of it. No good can come from implementing AI for the sake of AI. We dove into the vital role of data quality and governance, and the need for ongoing education and training to empower teams to effectively utilize AI tools. No one wants an intern imputing their customer list into ChatGTP to try to create a spreadsheet for the sales team to call on – they become part of the LLM if you’re not in a walled off instance.

The Road Ahead

It’s a long road but a solid one and one thing was perfectly clear: AI is here to stay, and its potential for ISPs is extensive. The journey may be just beginning, but the opportunities are immeasurable. By embracing AI with a strategic approach, ISPs can unlock new levels of efficiency, growth, and customer satisfaction.

Want to dive deeper into the world of AI for ISPs?

Be sure to watch the full webinar recording here. And if you’re attending Fiber Connect in Nashville, stop by Sonar Software’s booth (285) to chat with the Sonar team.

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