Sonar Software Blog

Syncing Network Monitoring with Sonar - Sonar Software

Written by Milena | May 2, 2024


Network outages are a major challenge for ISPs. Downtime frustrates customers, creates a flood of support calls, and damages your reputation. Every second spent scrambling for information or manually correlating data means prolonged service disruptions and unhappy subscribers. That’s where Sonar steps in. Our comprehensive network monitoring tool delivers the proactive visibility and centralized control you need to transform incident response. Sonar eliminates blind spots with intelligent alerts and a real-time network dashboard, empowering your team to take decisive action.

With Sonar, you’ll gain unparalleled network-wide visibility from a single platform. Set custom thresholds, establish on-call rotations, and receive timely notifications of potential issues. Sonar’s deep integration with your CRM ensures your support staff stays in the loop, enabling faster customer communication. Additionally, Sonar proactively collects vital network performance metrics via ICMP and SNMP. This data-driven approach allows you to pinpoint the root causes of incidents, preventing them before they disrupt service. Let’s get into the benefits Sonar brings for businesses to leverage networking monitoring tools! 

Centralized Control and Visibility

Juggling multiple monitoring tools and siloed data sources during an outage is a recipe for chaos. Sonar consolidates your network’s pulse into a single, real-time dashboard. Gain an immediate understanding of network health, with crucial metrics like device status, uptime, bandwidth usage, and more at your fingertips. Define proactive thresholds to receive instant alerts when critical parameters are breached, letting you address potential problems before they snowball. Sonar also allows you to establish on-call rotations, ensuring immediate notifications reach the right personnel for rapid response.

Sonar ensures network events are automatically reflected in customer records, providing your support team with vital context. Support staff can instantly see if a customer’s issue is linked to a wider outage, preventing redundant troubleshooting and enabling proactive customer communication. This closed-loop approach eliminates confusion and empowers your team to provide timely, accurate updates to affected subscribers.

Proactive Monitoring for Problem Prevention

Proactive network monitoring provides the tools to identify and address potential issues long before they disrupt service. Look for a solution that offers rapid polling cycles for near real-time visibility into network metrics. The ability to collect data on latency, jitter, packet loss, and more using both ICMP and SNMP protocols is essential for granular monitoring.

Choose a network monitoring platform that offers robust data visualization tools. These tools will help you identify performance trends, spot bandwidth bottlenecks, and inform proactive network capacity planning. SNMP support allows in-depth monitoring of complex network devices, ensuring that every component of your network is performing within acceptable parameters.

Proactive monitoring goes beyond preventing outages. It helps optimize overall network health, reduce network-related support inquiries, and provide a consistently positive subscriber experience.

Swift Troubleshooting and Incident Response

A powerful network monitoring solution serves as your troubleshooting command center, providing end-to-end visibility across your entire network infrastructure. Quickly pinpoint the location and scope of incidents, significantly reducing your mean-time-to-resolution (MTTR). Tools that assist with root-cause analysis are invaluable—look for features that correlate disparate network events or intelligently isolate the most likely cause, enabling your team to take targeted action.

To keep resolution times short, ensure your solution includes alerting rotations. Customized alerting chains guarantee the right personnel are immediately notified of issues based on severity and area of expertise. Choose a platform that easily integrates with your ticketing system. This allows network incidents to directly create support tickets containing all relevant data, minimizing redundant troubleshooting steps. Additionally, mass communication capabilities are key in managing widespread outages; proactive updates to affected customers go a long way in maintaining trust and easing the burden on your support center.

By streamlining troubleshooting with the above capabilities, you’ll reduce network downtime, mitigate customer frustration, and safeguard your ISP’s reputation for reliability.

To learn more about Sonar’s networking monitoring tools, visit this link!