Sonar Software Blog

Key Metrics When Outsourcing Customer Service - Sonar Software

Written by Taneil Currie | Dec 11, 2023


Key performance metrics play a pivotal role for Internet Service Providers, providing crucial insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of various operations. When it comes to customer support, these metrics serve as essential tools for evaluating and enhancing the quality of service. In an era where customer experience can significantly impact brand loyalty and reputation, service providers are increasingly relying on performance metrics to measure, analyze, and optimize their customer support processes.

As consumers increasingly rely on seamless internet connectivity for both personal and professional needs, their expectations regarding the speed, reliability, and responsiveness of their ISPs have escalated. Consequently, ISPs must not only deliver top-notch internet services but also provide exceptional support to address customer inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and ensure a positive overall experience.

In this blog, we cover the core metrics that ISPs should consider when outsourcing their customer service operations.

First Contact Resolution (FCR)

First Contact Resolution is a vital metric that measures the percentage of customer issues resolved during the initial contact. A high FCR indicates efficiency and effectiveness in addressing customer concerns, reducing the need for customers to make multiple contacts for the same issue. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces operational costs associated with handling repeated inquiries.

Average Handle Time (AHT)

AHT measures the average time it takes for a customer service representative to resolve a customer inquiry. While it’s important to address issues thoroughly, excessively long AHT can lead to customer frustration. Striking the right balance is crucial to provide quality support without causing unnecessary delays. Monitoring AHT helps identify areas for improvement in agent training or system efficiency.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score

CSAT is a direct measure of customer satisfaction based on post-interaction surveys. These surveys typically ask customers to rate their satisfaction with the service received. A high CSAT score indicates positive customer experiences, while a low score signals areas that need attention. Analyzing CSAT feedback can provide valuable insights into specific pain points and opportunities for improvement.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS gauges the likelihood of customers recommending your ISP to others. It is a broader measure of overall customer loyalty and satisfaction. A positive NPS reflects satisfied customers who are likely to become brand advocates, promoting your ISP through word-of-mouth. Regularly assessing NPS can help ISPs understand their standing in the market and identify strategies to enhance customer loyalty.

Ticket Volume and Resolution Rate

Tracking the volume of customer service tickets and the rate at which they are resolved provides insights into the overall workload and efficiency of the customer service team. A high resolution rate indicates a proactive and effective team, while a consistently high ticket volume may signal underlying issues that need attention, such as system outages or recurring problems.

Final Thoughts
Outsourcing customer service for ISPs can be a strategic move to manage growing customer demands, but success depends on effective oversight and measurement of key metrics. By regularly monitoring and optimizing these metrics, ISPs can ensure that their outsourced customer service operations not only meet but exceed customer expectations, ultimately contributing to improved customer satisfaction and long-term business success.